
Syn is distributed as a Python package. As such, pip can be used to install it.

To install Syn, execute the following command in a terminal console:

$ pip install syn

To check if Syn was installed correctly, execute the following command:

$ syn --help

The following output should appear in your terminal console:

Usage: syn [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...

Syn is a password manager which offers an easy to use interface and
cryptographically secure storage of passwords and notes.

--help  Show this message and exit.

    add           Store a new entry in the database
    close         Closes a database
    delete_db     Deletes a database
    delete_entry  Delete an entry from the database
    get           Shows the details of an entry
    list          Lists the names of stored entries
    new           Creates a new database
    open          Opens the database
    passphrase    Generates a passphrase

Source Code

Source code for Syn can be found here.